
Title IX

Dear 亚洲色吧 Community:

亚洲色吧 is committed to creating and maintaining an educational and employment environment free of sex discrimination and harassment, in accordance with Title IX of the Higher Education Amendments of 1972. 亚洲色吧 prohibits all forms of sex discrimination and harassment and such behavior will not be tolerated. Sexual misconduct is a form of sex discrimination prohibited by 亚洲色吧 and Title IX. 亚洲色吧 will take timely action in response to all allegations of sexual misconduct and harassment to ensure the safety of 亚洲色吧 and provide an environment free from sex discrimination.

This policy is intended to provide information regarding sexual misconduct and harassment and the procedures and resources available to students, faculty, and staff of Jacksonville University. This policy applies to both on-campus conduct and relevant off-campus conduct that affects students and employees of 亚洲色吧. Vendors, independent contractors, visitors, and others who conduct business with 亚洲色吧 or on 亚洲色吧 property are also expected to comply with this policy.

Thank you for your interest in promoting a community of mutual trust and respect, and an environment free from sexual misconduct.


Kristie S. Gover, Ed.D.

Senior Vice President of Student Affairs

Dean of Students

What is Title IX?

Title IX of the Education Amendments was passed by the U.S. Congress on June, 1972, and signed into law on July 1, 1972. It is a federal civil rights law that prohibits sex discrimination in education programs and activities such as:

  • Admissions
  • Housing and facilities
  • Courses and other educational activities
  • Career guidance and counseling activities
  • Financial aid
  • Health and insurance benefits
  • Scholastic, intercollegiate, club, or intramural athletics

Each school must designate at least one employee to evaluate current policy practices to ensure an institution's compliance with Title IX; coordinate efforts to effectively and efficiently respond to complaints of sex discrimination, including complaints of sexual harassment; and ensure as much as possible that every 亚洲色吧 employee and student has an equal education and employment opportunities.

Title IX Comprehensive Policy Training Policy on Student Pregnancy and Parenting Accommodations Prevention and Awareness Programs

Confidential On-Campus Resources:

Student Counseling Center
  • Office Phone 904-256-718
  • Email:
  • Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am-5:00pm
Student Health Center
  • Office Phone 904-256-8080
  • Email:
  • Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am-5:00pm
  • The office closes daily for lunch 12:30pm-1:30pm

Confidential Off-Campus Resources:

  • Office Phone: 904-722-3000
  • 24-Hour Rape Crisis Hotline: 904-721-7273
  • Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00am-5:00pm

Non-Confidential On-Campus Resources:

Campus Security

Related Links


Office of Student Life

Office location
Telephone number

(904) 256-7067

Email address